And Doggie Daycare too!
Our groomers are ready to pamper your beloved pet. We are proud of our efforts to lead the industry:
At Love Fur Dogs, your four-legged best friend will get a loving, skilled, careful groom that always includes:
Haircuts are based on our breed standard expertise and artistic design to owner specifications. We are especially well known for our longer and hand-scissored cuts. Unlike other less experienced groomers, we do not routinely shave dogs down. They will get the full fluffy trim that you request!
We are also well known for our state of the art therapies for skin and coat problems. We are certified and well-trained experts in various skin and coat problems, offering topical dermatology treatments for allergies, fungal or bacterial problems, skunk attacks and parasites, as well as many other skin and coat issues. And we now are the FIRST in the Chicagoland area in offering the incredible new Thera-Clean microbubble technology hydrobaths that are revolutionizing pet skin treatments throughout the veterinary world.
Love Fur Dogs also carries the best in dog food and other grooming, treats, and pet supplies in our lobby. Our happiest family members play each day in our spacious staff-supervised weekday indoor group Doggie Playcare, where our discount package prices are among the best in the area.
Day | Hours |
Monday | 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. |
Tuesday | 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. |
Wednesday | 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. |
Thursday | 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. |
Friday | 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. |
Saturday/Sunday only by Special Appointment |
We also love to work with your feline companions, rabbits, birds, guinea pigs, and other small pets. We make housecalls for the pets that do not travel well. Our grooming and spa services will have them looking purrfect!
We also love to work with your feline companions, rabbits, birds, guinea pigs, and other small pets. We make housecalls for the pets that do not travel well. Our grooming and spa services will have them looking purrfect!
Not enough time in the day to coordinate a drop-off or pickup of your pet? Let us do the work for you!
Not enough time in the day to coordinate a drop-off or pickup of your pet? Let us do the work for you!
Thorough, Gentle Bath and Deep Conditioning appropriate to your pet's coat type - Blow Dry - Brush Out - Nail Trimming - Ear Cleaning - Full Artistic Haircut to owner and breed specifications - including the Finest in Hand Scissoring - Dematting and Deshedding - Handstripping of Wire-Coat breeds - Six-Point Well-Being Check - Microbubble and Spa Therapies - Rewarding Treats!
Love Fur Dogs has been in the planning stages since early in 2013. Now, April 2014, we are finally realizing our family's dream and opening our doors in the Hubbard Woods Plaza. Opening a new start-up small business is not easy - its a lot of hard [...]
Love Fur Dogs is not just a cute name for our new business, it has a deep meaning for our family. I think all of us have personal stories that affirm what most human beings know to be true - that Love is the most important thing in the world. Most [...]
NAMI CCNS Board Member Jennifer Bishop Jenkins is opening a new pet grooming business that will also contain a vocational school welcoming the differently abled. Love Fur Dogs will open on or about April 1, 2014, at 69 Green Bay Rd, Glencoe, in the [...]
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Lydia W.
Margaret R
Megan C.
Jennifer, our Certified Master Groomer, and her team of experts are taking appointments now. Book your best friend the care they deserve today!
69 Green Bay Road
Glencoe, Illinois 60022
[email protected]
(847) LUV-DOGS
(847) 588-3647